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Job Interviews in Germany

How to Ace Job Interviews in Germany

Ace Job Interviews in Germany: What Employers Expect Job interviews can be daunting, especially in a foreign country where the expectations may differ from what you’re used to. In Germany, job interviews are often highly structured and reflect the culture’s emphasis on efficiency, preparation, and professionalism. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, […]

Berlin Student Living

Guide to Berlin Student Living Costs!

In this article we talk about Berlin student living and the costs of living as a student in Berlin. Are you considering studying in Berlin, but worried about the cost of living? Fear not! The German capital is an affordable city for students, with plenty of budget-friendly options for accommodation, food, and entertainment. In this […]

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Toomaj Freydouny: Redefining the Rental Market

Toomaj Freydouny: Redefining the Rental Market

The CEO Weekly recently featured an article highlighting KUMMUNI and its founder, Toomaj Freydouny. The report specifically mentioned the Choose Your Style program, which is recognized as an innovative approach aimed at redefining the rental industry. This program introduces a fresh perspective and unique strategies to enhance the rental experience for customers. It focuses on […]


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