Iranian Students in Germany

Iranian Students in Germany

Does Germany Accept Iranian Students? Iranian Students in Germany

Germany has long been a popular destination for international students due to its high-quality education system, renowned universities, and a vibrant cultural scene. Among the international student body in Germany, Iranian students represent a significant group. This article delves into the various aspects of studying in Germany for Iranian students, including statistical data, popular fields of study, and general information to assist prospective students from Iran.

Statistical Overview

According to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the number of Iranian students in Germany has seen a steady increase over the years. As of the latest data, approximately 6,000 Iranian students are enrolled in German higher education institutions. This number has grown significantly, reflecting both the attractiveness of Germany’s educational offerings and the increasing interest among Iranian students in studying abroad.

Popular Fields of Study

Iranian students in Germany tend to gravitate towards certain fields of study, which align with both global trends and the specific educational strengths of German universities. The most popular fields of study for Iranian students include:

  1. Engineering and Technology: Germany is renowned for its engineering programs, and a significant proportion of Iranian students pursue degrees in various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering.
  2. Natural Sciences: Programs in physics, chemistry, and biology attract many Iranian students, thanks to Germany’s strong emphasis on research and innovation in these fields.
  3. Computer Science and IT: With the growing global demand for IT professionals, many Iranian students opt for computer science degrees, benefiting from Germany’s advanced technological infrastructure and research opportunities.
  4. Business and Economics: Germany’s robust economy and the presence of leading global corporations make business and economics programs particularly appealing to Iranian students.

Previous Degrees and Academic Background

Most Iranian students who come to Germany for higher education already hold a bachelor’s degree from Iranian universities. The education system in Iran places a strong emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects, which aligns well with the popular fields of study in Germany. This strong academic foundation helps Iranian students to excel in their chosen fields of study in Germany.

Graduation Rates and Academic Success

While specific graduation rates for Iranian students are not readily available, overall data suggests that international students, including those from Iran, tend to perform well in the German education system. The rigorous admission process and the quality of preparatory courses offered by German universities contribute to the high success rates. Moreover, Iranian students often exhibit a strong work ethic and a high level of academic preparedness, which further enhances their chances of successful graduation.

Admission Process and Requirements

The admission process for Iranian students in Germany involves several steps:

  1. Choosing a Program: Prospective students must first identify the program and university they wish to apply to. German universities offer a wide range of programs, many of which are available in English.
  2. Meeting Academic Requirements: Students must provide proof of their previous academic qualifications. This usually includes transcripts, diplomas, and, in some cases, standardized test scores such as the GRE or GMAT.
  3. Language Proficiency: Depending on the program, students may need to demonstrate proficiency in either German or English. Tests such as TestDaF or DSH are commonly required for German-taught programs, while TOEFL or IELTS scores are needed for English-taught programs.
  4. Visa Application: Once admitted, students need to apply for a student visa. This involves providing proof of admission, financial means to support oneself, and health insurance.

Financial Requirements: The Blocked Account

One of the essential financial requirements for Iranian students in Germany is the establishment of a blocked account (Sperrkonto). This account is designed to ensure that international students have sufficient funds to cover their living expenses during their stay in Germany. As of 2024, the required amount to be deposited in a blocked account is approximately €11,208 per year, which translates to about €934 per month. This amount is adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the cost of living.

To set up a blocked account, students can use services offered by various banks and financial institutions that cater specifically to international students. Once the account is set up and funded, students receive a confirmation, which must be submitted as part of the visa application process. This blocked account ensures that students have access to a steady monthly allowance to cover their living expenses.

How to Get Started with the Application Process

Embarking on the journey to study in Germany involves several steps, which can be managed either independently or through the assistance of an agency. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

Research and Selection

Start by researching universities and programs that match your academic interests and career goals. Websites like DAAD, Study in Germany, and individual university portals provide detailed information about available courses, entry requirements, and application deadlines.

Application Preparation

  1. Document Compilation: Gather all necessary documents, including academic transcripts, diplomas, language proficiency certificates, a passport, and letters of recommendation.
  2. Standardized Tests: If required, register for and complete standardized tests such as GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, or IELTS.
  3. Application Submission: Apply directly to the chosen universities or through platforms like Uni-Assist, which is a centralized service for processing international student applications.

Visa Application

Once you receive an admission letter, begin the visa application process at the German embassy or consulate in Iran. Key documents include:

  • Proof of admission from a German university.
  • Proof of financial resources (blocked account confirmation).
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Valid passport and biometric photos.

Agency vs. Self-Application: Which is Better?

Deciding whether to apply on your own or through an agency depends on your personal circumstances and comfort level with the application process.

Applying Independently


  • Direct control over the entire process.
  • Cost-effective, as you avoid agency fees.
  • Greater familiarity with your application details.


  • Time-consuming and potentially overwhelming.
  • Requires a good understanding of the application and visa processes.

Using an Agency


  • Agencies provide expert guidance and support throughout the process.
  • They can help with document preparation, application submission, and visa processing.
  • Agencies may offer additional services like pre-departure orientation and accommodation assistance.


  • Additional cost for their services.
  • Possible reliance on the agency for every step, which might reduce personal learning about the process.

Living Costs and Accommodation

The cost of living in Germany varies depending on the city and lifestyle. On average, students should budget around €850 to €1,200 per month for living expenses, which includes accommodation, food, transportation, health insurance, telephone/internet, study materials, and leisure activities.


  • University Dormitories: Cost-effective and popular among international students, ranging from €250 to €400 per month.
  • Private Apartments: More expensive, with rents ranging from €300 to €700 per month, depending on the city and location.
  • Shared Apartments (Wohngemeinschaft or WG): A popular choice, with costs ranging from €250 to €500 per month.

Living Expenses

  • Food: Monthly grocery expenses can range from €150 to €250. Eating out at restaurants or cafeterias costs about €5 to €15 per meal.
  • Transportation: Most cities offer student discounts on public transportation, with monthly passes costing between €30 and €70.
  • Health Insurance: Mandatory for all students, costing around €80 to €110 per month.

Cities Most Suitable for Iranian Students

Several German cities are particularly popular among Iranian students due to their vibrant student life, diverse cultural offerings, and established Iranian communities.


As the capital city, Berlin is a cultural melting pot with numerous universities and research institutions. It offers a dynamic lifestyle and numerous cultural activities, making it an attractive destination for international students from Iran.


Known for its high standard of living and excellent universities like the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich attracts many engineering and technology students. The city’s economic strength and numerous multinational corporations provide ample internship and job opportunities.


Hamburg is another popular choice, especially for those interested in business and maritime studies. The city’s international port and thriving economy offer diverse opportunities for students.


As a major financial hub, Frankfurt is ideal for students pursuing degrees in finance, economics, and business administration. The city’s cosmopolitan atmosphere and strong Iranian community make it a welcoming destination.


Known for its picturesque landscapes and one of Germany’s oldest universities, Heidelberg is a smaller city that offers a more intimate and academic-focused environment. It is particularly popular among students in the humanities and natural sciences.

Cultural and Social Integration

Germany offers a multicultural and welcoming environment for international students. Iranian students can participate in various cultural exchange programs, student organizations, and social activities that facilitate their integration into German society. Universities often have dedicated international offices that provide support and resources for international students, including language courses, counseling, and assistance with administrative matters.

Expectation vs. Reality: Infrastructure and Living Conditions

While Germany boasts modern and efficient infrastructure, it is important for Iranian students to manage their expectations regarding urban development and architectural styles. Unlike Iran, where cities often feature a mix of modern high-rise buildings and traditional architecture, many German cities have a unique blend of historical and contemporary structures. Students should expect:

  • Well-preserved historical buildings alongside modern amenities.
  • Efficient public transportation systems.
  • Green spaces and pedestrian-friendly urban planning.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Several scholarship opportunities are available for Iranian students in Germany. Organizations such as DAAD offer scholarships specifically for international students, which can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance. Additionally, many German universities have their own scholarship programs and financial aid options.

Germany continues to be a prime destination for Iranian students seeking high-quality education and global career opportunities. With its world-class universities, diverse academic programs, and supportive environment, Germany provides a conducive atmosphere for academic and personal growth.

Iranian students considering studying in Germany can look forward to a rewarding and enriching experience that will equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their future endeavors. Whether applying independently or through an agency, the journey to studying in Germany is well worth the effort for those seeking an international education and a bright future.


Top 20 Differences Between German and Persian Cultures

Embracing Cultural Differences: A Guide for Iranian Students in Germany

For Iranian students venturing into the educational landscape of Germany, the cultural differences between the two nations can be both fascinating and challenging. As you embark on your academic journey, it is crucial to understand and embrace these differences to integrate smoothly into German society. Initially, you might experience a culture shock, but recognizing that these distinctions do not signify coldness or hostility will help you adapt more effectively.

Germany and Iran boast rich cultural heritages, yet they approach social interactions, communication, and daily life in significantly different ways. Germans are known for their directness and straightforwardness in communication. This can initially come across as blunt or even rude to Iranians, who are accustomed to a more indirect and polite form of expression, often utilizing “Taarof,” a cultural practice involving exaggerated politeness and deference.

It is essential to understand that the German way of communication is not intended to offend but to convey honesty and clarity. Embracing this aspect of German culture can be highly beneficial, as it encourages transparency and efficiency in both professional and personal interactions.

In Germany, it is quite common for people to inquire about your beliefs once they get closer, especially if a person has a Middle Eastern appearance. While you might consider such a question intrusive or a violation of your privacy, it is generally not intended to offend. Instead, it reflects curiosity and a desire to understand different cultural backgrounds. On the other hand, it is important to note that asking Germans about their income is considered highly inappropriate and is generally regarded as a taboo topic. Unlike in Iran, where discussing salaries might be more acceptable, in Germany, such questions are typically avoided as they are seen as intrusive and impolite. Understanding these social norms will help you navigate conversations more smoothly and avoid potential misunderstandings.

Adapting to a new culture requires patience, openness, and a willingness to learn. By embracing the differences between Persian and German cultures, you can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of your host country. Remember, the directness of Germans is not rudeness, and their formality is not coldness. These are merely different ways of interacting and living, which, when understood and respected, can greatly enhance your time as an international student in Germany.

1. Communication Style

  • German: Direct and straightforward, Germans value clarity and honesty in communication.
  • Persian: Indirect and polite, Persians often use metaphors and subtle hints to convey messages.

2. Punctuality

  • German: Highly punctual, being on time is a sign of respect and professionalism.
  • Persian: More flexible with time, being a few minutes late is generally acceptable in social settings.

3. Formality

  • German: Formal in professional and social contexts, titles and surnames are commonly used until familiarity is established.
  • Persian: Very formal, often using surnames and titles in initial interactions. Once a relationship is established, they switch to first names or affectionate terms.

4. Work-Life Balance

  • German: Strong emphasis on separating work and personal life, with clear boundaries and a focus on efficiency.
  • Persian: More integrated work and personal life, with family and social connections playing a significant role in professional interactions.

5. Hospitality

  • German: Polite but reserved hospitality, valuing personal space and privacy.
  • Persian: Extremely warm and generous hospitality, guests are treated with great honor and given the best of everything.

6. Hierarchy and Authority

  • German: Flatter hierarchical structures, with open communication between different levels of authority.
  • Persian: More hierarchical, with respect for authority and seniority being highly emphasized.

7. Cultural Heritage

  • German: Rich in historical and classical influences, with a strong appreciation for literature, philosophy, and music.
  • Persian: Deeply rooted in ancient traditions, with a rich cultural heritage in poetry, art, and architecture.

8. Celebrations and Festivals

  • German: Celebrates a variety of traditional and religious festivals like Oktoberfest, Christmas, and Easter.
  • Persian: Celebrates ancient festivals like Nowruz (Persian New Year), Yalda Night, and various Islamic holidays.

9. Cuisine

  • German: Known for hearty dishes such as sausages, potatoes, and bread, with a strong beer culture.
  • Persian: Features aromatic and flavorful dishes like kebabs, rice, and stews, with a focus on fresh herbs and spices.

10. Family Structure

  • German: Nuclear family structure is common, with emphasis on independence and self-sufficiency.
  • Persian: Extended family plays a significant role, with strong intergenerational bonds and family obligations.

11. Education System

  • German: Structured and rigorous, with an emphasis on vocational training and apprenticeships.
  • Persian: Education is highly valued, with a strong focus on academic achievement and higher education.

12. Religious Practices and Secularism

  • German: While historically Christian, Germany has a secular government. Religion plays a less prominent role in daily life, though it remains significant in some regions.
  • Persian: Despite Iran’s Islamic regime, the Iranian population is generally more secular. Religion has less influence on daily personal life, though it is significant in the country’s political structure.

13. Social Etiquette

  • German: Reserved and formal, with an emphasis on respect for personal space and quietness in public.
  • Persian: Warm and expressive, with a tendency for close physical proximity and lively conversation.

14. Gender Roles

  • German: Progressive views on gender equality, with active promotion of women’s rights and roles in society.
  • Persian: Cultural emphasis on gender equality, evident in language and social norms. Terms like “mother and father” and “motherland” reflect the respect for women’s roles.

15. Attitude Towards Rules

  • German: Strong adherence to rules and regulations, with a focus on order and discipline.
  • Persian: More flexible approach to rules, with a tendency to adapt based on personal and social relationships.

16. Leisure Activities

  • German: Enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and attending cultural events like concerts and theater.
  • Persian: Social gatherings with family and friends, picnics, and traditional music and dance are popular leisure activities.

17. Approach to Conflict

  • German: Direct and solution-oriented, preferring to address and resolve conflicts openly.
  • Persian: More likely to avoid direct confrontation, using diplomacy and indirect methods to resolve conflicts.

18. Fashion and Dress Code

  • German: Practical and conservative, with a preference for functional and comfortable clothing.
  • Persian: Stylish and colorful, with a blend of traditional and modern fashion influences.

19. Environmental Awareness

  • German: High level of environmental consciousness, with strong policies on recycling, renewable energy, and sustainability.
  • Persian: Growing awareness and efforts towards environmental protection, but still facing challenges in implementation.

20. Use of Technology

  • German: Advanced technological infrastructure, with widespread use of digital tools in daily life and work.
  • Persian: Rapidly growing tech-savvy population, with increasing use of technology in education, business, and social interactions.

Top 20 Similarities Between German and Persian Cultures

1. Emphasis on Education

Both German and Persian cultures place a high value on education. In Germany, academic achievement is strongly encouraged, with a robust system that supports various educational paths. Similarly, in Persian culture, education is highly esteemed, with a long tradition of valuing scholarly pursuits and academic success.

2. Rich Historical Heritage

Both cultures have a deep appreciation for their historical heritage. Germany and Persia (Iran) each boast ancient histories that are celebrated and preserved through museums, literature, and historical sites.

3. Family Values

Family is central to both German and Persian cultures. Both societies emphasize strong family bonds and the importance of familial support, with extended families often playing a significant role in social and personal lives.

4. Respect for Tradition

Both cultures respect and celebrate their traditions. Germans have a variety of cultural traditions and festivals, such as Oktoberfest and Christmas markets, while Persians celebrate traditional festivals like Nowruz (Persian New Year) and Yalda Night with great enthusiasm.

5. Attention to Detail

Both German and Persian cultures are known for their meticulous attention to detail. Whether in German engineering, design, and craftsmanship, or Persian art, calligraphy, and architecture, precision and quality are highly valued.

6. Hospitality

Hospitality is a cherished value in both cultures. Germans are known for their organized and considerate hosting, while Persians are renowned for their generous and warm hospitality, often going to great lengths to make guests feel welcome.

7. Culinary Traditions

Both cultures have rich culinary traditions. German cuisine is known for its hearty dishes and bread varieties, while Persian cuisine is celebrated for its flavorful stews, rice dishes, and use of fresh herbs and spices.

8. Appreciation for Art

Germany and Persia both have a profound appreciation for art. German culture boasts a rich tradition in classical music and visual arts, while Persian culture is renowned for its poetry, miniature painting, and intricate tile work.

9. Love for Festivals

Festivals play a significant role in both cultures. Germans celebrate numerous local and national festivals, while Persians also have a range of traditional and religious festivals that are eagerly anticipated and widely celebrated.

10. Importance of Rituals

Both cultures incorporate rituals into their daily lives and major events. Germans have specific customs for holidays and social gatherings, while Persians observe a variety of rituals related to their religious and cultural practices.

11. Environmental Consciousness

Both cultures are increasingly aware of environmental issues. Germany is known for its strong environmental policies and sustainability efforts, while there is a growing awareness in Iran about environmental protection and conservation.

12. Emphasis on Cleanliness

Cleanliness is important in both German and Persian cultures. Germans are known for their cleanliness and organization in public spaces, while Persians also value cleanliness, particularly in their homes and during religious practices.

13. Strong Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is evident in both cultures. Germans are known for their punctuality and efficiency in the workplace, while Persians take pride in their hard work and dedication, often balancing professional and personal responsibilities with great commitment.

14. Appreciation for Music

Music is a significant part of both German and Persian cultures. Germany has a rich history of classical music and composers, while Persian culture has a long tradition of classical music, including various regional and traditional forms.

15. Celebration of Nature

Both cultures have a deep appreciation for nature. Germans enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling, while Persians have a tradition of celebrating natural beauty and the changing seasons, often reflected in their poetry and festivals.

16. Value of Privacy

Privacy is respected in both German and Persian cultures. Germans value personal space and privacy in social interactions, while Persians also appreciate privacy, though they often blend it with a strong sense of community and family.

17. Respect for Elders

Respect for elders is important in both cultures. In Germany, elders are respected for their experience and wisdom, while in Persian culture, elders are honored and their advice is highly valued within the family and community.

18. Appreciation for Craftsmanship

Both cultures have a rich tradition of craftsmanship. Germany is known for its high-quality engineering and artisanal products, while Persia is celebrated for its intricate craftsmanship in textiles, ceramics, and metalwork.

19. Interest in Science

Science and innovation are highly regarded in both cultures. Germany is renowned for its contributions to various scientific fields, while Iran has a long history of scientific achievements and continues to value scientific research and development.

20. Focus on Health and Wellness

Both cultures place importance on health and wellness. Germans are known for their structured healthcare system and focus on physical fitness, while Persians have traditional practices related to health, such as herbal medicine and wellness rituals.


FAQ for Iranian Students in Germany


Does Germany accept Iranian students?

Yes, Germany accepts Iranian students. As of the latest data, there are approximately 6,000 Iranian students enrolled in German higher education institutions. Germany’s high-quality education system, renowned universities, and a supportive environment make it a popular destination for students from Iran.

Which German cities have the largest Iranian population?

The German cities with the largest Iranian populations include Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Heidelberg. These cities not only have vibrant student communities but also significant Iranian communities, offering a supportive environment for new students from Iran.

What are the most popular fields of study for Iranian students in Germany?

The most popular fields of study for Iranian students in Germany are engineering and technology, natural sciences, computer science and IT, and business and economics. These fields align with both global trends and the specific strengths of German universities.

What is a blocked account and why do I need it?

A blocked account (Sperrkonto) is a special type of bank account required for international students to prove they have sufficient financial resources to live in Germany. As of 2024, the required amount is approximately €11,208 per year, which ensures that students have about €934 per month for living expenses. This account is necessary for the student visa application process.

What are the living costs for students in Germany?

Living costs for students in Germany range from €850 to €1,200 per month. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, health insurance, telephone/internet, study materials, and leisure activities. The exact amount can vary depending on the city and lifestyle.

How can I apply to German universities from Iran?

To apply to German universities from Iran, you need to:

  1. Research and select a program and university.
  2. Meet academic and language proficiency requirements.
  3. Gather necessary documents, such as transcripts, diplomas, and standardized test scores.
  4. Apply directly to the university or through platforms like Uni-Assist.
  5. Once admitted, apply for a student visa at the German embassy or consulate in Iran.

Should I apply to German universities on my own or through an agency?

This depends on your personal circumstances. Applying independently gives you direct control and is cost-effective but can be time-consuming. Using an agency provides expert guidance and support but incurs additional costs. Both options have their pros and cons.

What are the accommodation options for students in Germany?

Accommodation options for students in Germany include university dormitories, private apartments, and shared apartments (CoLiving or Wohngemeinschaft). University dormitories are the most cost-effective, while private apartments offer more independence.

Are there scholarship opportunities for Iranian students in Germany?

Yes, several scholarships are available for Iranian students in Germany. Organizations like DAAD offer scholarships that can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance. Additionally, many German universities have their own scholarship programs and financial aid options.

What language proficiency is required to study in Germany?

Language proficiency requirements depend on the program. For German-taught programs, tests like TestDaF or DSH are required. For English-taught programs, TOEFL or IELTS scores are needed. It is important to check the specific language requirements of your chosen program and university.

How can Iranian students integrate into German society?

German universities offer a multicultural and welcoming environment with various cultural exchange programs, student organizations, and social activities. International offices at universities provide support and resources, including language courses, counseling, and assistance with administrative matters, to help Iranian students integrate into German society.

What should Iranian students expect regarding infrastructure and living conditions in Germany?

Germany boasts modern and efficient infrastructure. Students will find a mix of historical and contemporary architecture, well-preserved historical buildings, efficient public transportation systems, and green spaces. While some differences exist compared to Iran, Germany offers a high standard of living and well-organized urban planning. Do not expect to see many modern buildings on daily basis. This is not Tehran! Germany however, offers freedom instead!

Which countries accept Iranian students?

Iranian students are welcomed in countries like Germany, Canada, the United States, the UK, Australia, France, and Sweden. Each country offers various scholarships and programs for international students, making higher education accessible.

How many Iranians are in Germany?

There are approximately 250,000 Iranians in Germany, including students, professionals, and families. The Iranian community is active, contributing to cultural and economic life in cities like Berlin and Hamburg.

Does Germany reject student visa?

Yes, Germany may reject student visa applications if requirements like university admission, financial proof, and health insurance are not met. Reasons for rejection can also include inadequate academic credentials or incomplete documentation.

How to apply for a German student visa from Iran?

To apply, secure university admission, gather documents like passport, proof of funds, and health insurance, then schedule an appointment at the German Embassy in Tehran. The process may take several weeks, so apply early.

Why are there so many Persians in Germany?

Many Persians moved to Germany due to its strong economy, high-quality education, and political stability. Additionally, the Iranian diaspora grew significantly after the Iranian Revolution, seeking better opportunities and freedoms.

Who are the largest foreigners in Germany?

The largest foreign groups include Turkish, Polish, Syrian, and Romanian nationals. These communities have historical roots and have grown due to labor migration, EU freedom of movement, and recent refugee inflows.

Which country is easy to immigrate from Iran?

Turkey, Armenia, and some Eastern European countries are easier for Iranians to immigrate to. They offer more lenient visa policies, closer cultural ties, and geographical proximity, easing the transition.

Can Iranians visit Germany?

Yes, Iranians can visit Germany with a Schengen visa. They must meet requirements such as travel insurance, proof of accommodation, and sufficient funds for their stay. The visa allows travel to other Schengen countries.

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