Living with strangers in an apartment isn’t something we are accustomed to naturally. When it comes to coliving, most find it unfamiliar. You are likely wondering if this “CoLiving” thing has any particular rules or etiquette guidelines. And the answer is YES; there are basic etiquettes you need to follow in order to create a pleasant environment for everyone sharing the space with you. If you are anxious and don’t have any previous experience of sharing space, then I must tell you, “Worry not,” because today we have compiled a set of guidelines just for people like you. So without further ado, let’s jump into it!


The most important thing you’d want when you move in with your flatmates is to look approachable and friendly, so everyone can communicate with you openly and get to know you. It doesn’t matter which member of the apartment you are good friends with already – being friendly is simply being polite and pleasant with everyone. The charm of a smile and politeness will surely go a long way!


It’s critical that you make an effort to get to know your new roommates now that you’ve arrived. It’s a fun experience when everyone in the house tries to remember each other’s names and takes the time to introduce themselves. So sit down and chat with your flatmates about their likes and dislikes; this will benefit you in the long run, and don’t forget to share a little about yourself too!


Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink for someone else to clean; you’re responsible for your own dishes. Clean up after yourself in the kitchen, bathroom, or any other communal space. If you’re going to use a shared bathroom, pack your toiletries and take them with you when you’re done. If you’re eating out of a takeout container in a shared space, throw it away or recycle it when you’re done. Little things like this contribute to the cleanliness and orderliness of the space. Keep your stuff neatly organized near your bed or utilize available closet space and drawers – they were designed for this purpose! The more organized you keep your room, the more likely your flatmates will follow your example.


It is not uncommon for lines between private and communal areas to blur in communal living spaces such as coliving and cohousing. People tend to forget that others have boundaries and certain actions will trigger them. No matter how close you are to your flatmates, know your limitations. These boundaries could also be worldly, like a laptop or a phone charger or food, so always be respectful and ask for permission before crossing a line.


Having mutual respect for each other is an essential aspect of shared living. Treat your fellow co-living mates as equals, regardless of their backgrounds and cultures. It is okay not to always have the same views as others. However, that does not mean that you should treat them any differently than how you would like to be treated. So be respectful and civilized, respect your flatmates’ opinions and choices, making them feel respected and comfortable.


You most certainly agreed to some house rules when you decided to join a co-living space, so make sure you know them and abide by them. House rules are in place to keep things in order, and adhering to them can make things run more smoothly.


Even if it’s simply a few people, inviting a group of pals over can be bothersome to the other flatmates. If you want to invite friends over, ask them first. They’ll probably agree and let you have your pals over. Of course, be respectful of the place by not being too loud, cleaning up after yourself, and being polite to all housemates who come and go.


No matter how similar your taste in music or TV shows is to your flatmates/roommates, that does not mean they always want to hear what you’re watching or listening to. So be considerate and don’t put your speakers on blast. This will only annoy your flatmates and might lead to you being represented as uncivilized or careless. Instead, buy yourself a pair of headphones and wear them whenever you listen to music or watch a show, so your flatmates don’t hate you.


If you see that the majority of your flatmates are non-smokers or smoking is not permitted inside the residence. This may seem self-evident, but it’s worth mentioning. Inquire with your coliving community manager or your flatmates about where you can smoke on or around the grounds. In many cases, smoking inside the residence can even cause the termination of your lease. Smoking is forbidden in all of KUMMUNI’s furnished apartments and Living spaces.


Common areas are places used by everyone. When you leave a communal space, put your personal items away like you throw things out when you’re done eating. When you leave your belongings all over the place, it leaves less room for others to use the shared space. Furthermore, if you put your belongings in a shared location, others may mistakenly believe it is communal and use it for their own purposes or even break it. Always play it safe, and don’t leave anything behind.


Treat your flatmates with the same respect you want for yourself. Everyone’s sleep schedules vary, and quiet hours help us respect them. During these quiet hours, be considerate and avoid loud phone calls, media streaming, or loud conversations in shared bedrooms or communal areas. Avoid waking them up yourself if you don’t like being woken up by someone else’s noise.


There’s no doubt that conflicts can arise when you’re living with multiple people. Some people don’t do their dishes, others take other people’s food, and others are constantly talking on the phone inside. Rather than being passive- aggressive, we recommend calmly communicating with the person causing the problem and confronting it head-on.

Passive aggression can really disrupt the atmosphere in the house, and it won’t even reach the core of the problem to effect any change. It’s time to bring in the house manager if there is an ongoing problem after communicating and talking it out with the person.

If you are a tenant in any of CoLiving spaces from KUMMUNI and you would like to contact KUMMUNI Community Manager please click here.

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